Evolution and maintenance of Microstrategy dashboards​

  • Practice
  • Team

1 people manager senior consultant, 1 senior consultant, 1 junior consultant, 1 trainee

  • Technical environment
new dashboards
2.1 billion
parcels monitored per year
Increased autonomy
thanks to Self BI
  • Performance issues: Difficulty maintaining optimal performance for dashboards.
  • Application installations: Complexity of installing Microstrategy applications.
  • Dashboard ergonomics: Need to improve dashboard ergonomics and usability.
  • Agile processes: Need to integrate agile processes into workflow.
  • Data modeling : Data modeling and integration issues.
  • Technologies and tools implemented: Microstrategy for BI, Teradata and Dremio for data storage and analysis.
  • Agile approach: Adoption of agile processes to improve project efficiency and flexibility.
  • Ergonomic improvements: Refactoring of dashboards to enhance user experience.
  • Data modeling: Optimization of data modeling to meet Geopost's specific needs.
  • Evolution and maintenance of reports: Increase in the number of reports from 60 to around 150 since the start of the mission.
  • 2.1 billion parcels monitored per year: Efficient and reliable management of large volumes of parcel data.
  • Implementation of SELF-BI: Increased autonomy for users to create and manage their own reports and analyses.
  • User training: Ongoing training to ensure optimum use of new tools and processes.
  • Enhanced dashboards: Significant increase in the number of dashboards available and used.